This painting was initially done several months ago, at the time I had been playing a game of Dungeons & Dragons and my character was a Tiefling Paladin. I very much enjoyed playing the character and I felt that it would be a good opportunity to practice my hand at armor, anatomy and a more fantastic colour scheme.
I was pleased with my initial painting as I felt that I had done well to capture the feeling of the character and at the time I was pleased with the rendering of the armor and some of the details in some of the textures.
After a few months I came back to this piece having learned a great deal about the importance of reference when creating something like armor and different textures. I painted over the old design feeling that I could do more to improve upon my work from months before.
I am more than pleased with the progress I feel like I have made over the last few months, I feel that the overall quality of the work I have produced has gone up significantly due to the addition of more details to the textures and the armor.