RJM Concepts

2D and 3D art by Ruairidh McLachlan

Inktober 2021: Day 29

Today I wanted to draw a creature that was impressively large. Given the sea environments I’ve been producing the last few days I felt like a sea serpent would be appropriate. The deep waters off of the shores of Venkarigan are home to numerous terrifying creatures and some travellers are unlucky enough to encounter the giant sea serpents that call these waters home. Large enough to easily destroy even the largest man made boats these serpents are not easily overcome. They can however usually be avoided given how rare they are in the modern age.

I wanted to demonstrate the scale of the creature by also drawing a triple masted ship listing in the water next to it. I feel like that helped to convey the terrifying size I wanted to capture in this design. I was quite pleased with the depth I managed to create in this drawing, I feel like I managed to produce a sense of form as the body moves back into the picture.

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