Today I wanted to establish an initial vision of some of the humanoid inhabitants of Aeryallon. I decided to start with authority figures in the area, The Rangers of the Aerwatch. People joining the Aerwatch need to be dedicated and well versed in the arts of survival. They travel through all weathers dealing with everything from minor disputes to full scale destruction by local Rock Trolls, usually equipped with a variety of weapons and survival gear they are ready for just about anything the wasteland could throw at them.
These initial designs feature long cloaks with hoods, eye protection and light armor as well as methods for carrying supplies through harsh conditions. I began a sketch of this drawing digitally at first but felt that I would find more success moving straight to the sketchbook. I am quite pleased with how the designs have come out overall. The poses of the figures are very stiff but this was done to allow me to consider the design of the armor in the initial drawing before I create something with more appeal later.