Today’s drawing is a close-up of the mountain-top statue from the drawing from two days ago. The statue at the peak of the mountain was constructed in honour of Jormun, First King of Jormundael after his death. The statue features a constantly burning torch held up in the right hand that serves as a beacon for the trade ships bound for the city. The statue itself is enormous being in the region of one hundred and fifty feet tall, it is also partially hollow as it also serves as a long distance watchtower and observatory. Jormun holds a great amount of respect in Dwarvish history, using his vast cunning he was able to establish one of the most successful bastions of dwarven power in the known world. As such those who came after him wanted to demonstrate their respect for this legendary king by constructing this everlasting monument to his greatness.
I like the idea of this design a lot. It is heavily inspired by similar monuments in real life like the statue of liberty. I was happy with the pose and the overall design I created today. I think I was most pleased with the effect I managed to create to imply the large stone block material the statue would be made of.